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A few days back, using the hand sanitizer had been a luxury. But with the pandemic effect of the Coronavirus sanitization has become part and parcel of life. Be it personal sanitization or cleaning, disinfection is the need of the hour. 

The need for Commercial Cleaning

The COVID-19 virus is known to spread through the contaminated body fluids. The face masks might prevent direct contamination from the sneeze or coughs, but you need proper cleaning and disinfestation of your workplace to get rid of the Coronavirus.

Recent studies have revelled the Coronavirus might spread from surfaces, be it the guard rails of the stairs, the doorknobs or the floor, the Coronavirus can be active on these surfaces for long hours. The mere mopping or dusting can clean your workplace, but you need deep cleaning and proper disinfestation of the whole workplace.  Commercial COVID 19 Company Toronto can provide the expensive commercial cleaning needed for your workplace. 

The Best Cleaning Practices

Apart from the cleaning of your workplace, maintaining personal hygiene is equally essential. Washing your hand for twenty seconds by all the employees of your workplace and avoid the spread of the Coronavirus. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer can also get rid of the COVID-19 virus.

#1: Cleaning the Telephone

The telephone is an important mode of communication and has high chances of being touched with contaminated hands. The professional cleaners from Emergency101 are trained to take good care while cleaning the telephone and mobiles. Cellphones are one of the most touched items in the workplace, and the Coronavirus stays alive on a plastic surface for a longer period.

#2: Not Just Spray

The normal cleaning might involve moping with a floor cleaner. But the normal floor cleaners cannot get rid of the Coronavirus, and professional cleaners from Emergency101 use industrial-grade disinfectant to clean your workplace.

These EPA-registered cleaning agents can get rid of the Coronavirus effectively. As long as there is a footfall in the workplace, the chances of spreading the Coronavirus would remain a concern. You can seek the assistance of Commercial Covid-19 Sanitization Service Toronto to nullify the spread of COVID 19.

#3: The Washrooms

The washrooms can be a place frequently being used at your workplace. If not cleaned properly, the washrooms can be the hotspot of the Coronavirus. Not only is the toilet, but the door-knobs needs proper disinfection. Cleaners at Emergency101 are trained and equipped with mechanized cleaning kits to perform a professional cleaning.  

Cleaning for a Healthier Work Environment

You spend a considerable amount of time at the workplace, and a healthier workplace starts with proper cleaning. In the admits of the worldwide spread of the Coronavirus, your workplace runs the risk of being an epicenter of the COVID-19 virus. 

With higher footfall, the chances of spreading are more. With Emergency101, you can get the best available professional cleaning. All our cleaners are equipped with protective gear in the form of suits, face masks and shoe covers, along with gloves and mechanized cleaning kits that reduce chances of contamination. You can feel free to book your appointment by calling us.